Episode #057: Conscious Evolution and Personal Growth - Embracing the Aligned Modern Day Healer™ Within

Season #3

Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore the essence of 5D consciousness within ourselves.

In this episode, we delve into the conscious and never-ending evolution model, where we uncover how our conscious mind influences our decisions and the significance of raising our collective consciousness through mutual support. Discover the power of embracing life as it happens to us, rather than for us, and how this approach leads to becoming modern-day healers.

We'll explore the deep connection between our conscious and unconscious mind, providing guidance on healing and embracing our wounded selves to unlock our higher potential. If you want to dive deeper into these concepts, we invite you to join our Facebook Group, "The Rise of The Aligned Modern Day Healer™."

In our exclusive group, you'll have the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals, access additional resources, and watch the replay of our 5-day live series, "Path to Conscious and Professional Mastery."

Click the link to join our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thealignedmoderndayhealer